Even in ancient times, men actively used aphrodisiacs - these products can improve potency and improve sexual pleasure. Aphrodisiacs perform several important functions. These products to improve potency have an antioxidant and rejuvenating effect on the body, they are able to arouse passion even in a calm and balanced man.
Proper nutrition to improve erectile function
Many members of the stronger sex are confused, haunted by the question: what to eat to improve erectile function? Eastern men had their own opinion on this matter, often eating more than exotic dishes: food with snake blood, rhino horn. North Americans were convinced that walnuts and raw chicken eggs could arouse sexual desire.
Scientists have now come to the following conclusion: foods rich in vitamins A and E should be present in the diet of the stronger sex.
What should be the food to increase potency? The man should eat plant foods. Especially useful for the stronger sex are different varieties of onions, such as onions and leeks.
Potency-boosting diets should be not only balanced but also tasty. It is recommended to add spicy spices to the dishes: tarragon, cumin. Turnip seeds also provoke sexual desire.
Freud singled out the following products that increase libido:
- Pumpkin seeds.
- mushrooms.
- Rye flour bread.
- Nettles.
old recipes
To improve potency and prolong the duration of intimacy, you should try the following drug: 0, 2 kg of prunes, 0, 2 kg of figs and 0, 2 kg of raisins are combined with 12 walnuts. All ingredients should be well chopped, stored in a cool place.
It is recommended to take 20 grams of the mixture once a day, in the afternoon. You can fill it with yogurt or milk. This tool was popular among ancient healers.
Apply such an old tincture to improve sexual arousal:
- To prepare a medicinal decoction, you need to cut 1 kg of garlic into small, neat pieces.
- The vegetables are placed in a glass jar with a volume of 3 liters.
- Pour the pieces of garlic with water, tightly close the container.
- The mixture is stored in a dry place, protected from sunlight, for about a month. The tincture should be shaken every day.
- Men should take 5 ml once a day. Before use, dilute the tincture in 200 ml of milk.
This drug helps to weaken potency and blood vessel problems, improves vision and hearing.
Useful properties of nuts
Men over the age of 50 often ask the question: what should you eat to increase potency in old age? Such male representatives should eat unsalted pistachios. With regular consumption of these nuts, the likelihood of developing a malignant tumor decreases.
It is advisable to add honey to the nuts. There is a popular folk recipe for a drug that can treat erectile dysfunction:
- 100 grams of nuts are mixed with 10 ml of honey.
- This drug is taken 10 ml per day. The drug should be taken at bedtime. The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days.
Foods with antioxidant properties
Foods high in antioxidants also have a positive effect on the male reproductive organs. Increases the body's resistance, prevents aging.
Pumpkin juice, green tea and carrots contain many antioxidants, so these products help improve erections. They help to restore calm, increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
Dishes with eggs and onions
There are other products to improve potency: meat products, fish and eggs contain a lot of protein, so they activate sperm production. But it is recommended to eat no more than three eggs a week. Quail eggs can be eaten every day (no more than two eggs).
You can prepare ordinary scrambled eggs with onions. The components used in its preparation have a positive effect on the body.
You need to give such a simple recipe for potency: you need to take two small onions, they need to be finely chopped. Add a little salt and a little water to the onion.
The vegetables should be fried on low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Two eggs are added to this mixture, the dish is cooked on low heat for at least 5 minutes. You can sprinkle a pinch of paprika in the scrambled eggs.
In ancient times, men often prepared such a dish:
- A small head of onion and carrot is added to a little beef.
- The dish is stewed for 20 minutes.
- Fresh herbs and salt are then added to these ingredients.
The following circumstance should also be taken into account: some of the useful properties of onions are lost during heat treatment, this vegetable is recommended to eat fresh. Onions should be mixed with other ingredients, such as boiled eggs or carrots, finely grated. Sour cream should be used as a dressing.
Onions are rich in vitamins and minerals. Has a beneficial effect on nerve endings, improves erection. Onions contain zinc, so it activates testosterone production in the body.
This vegetable is used to treat various diseases: runny nose, prostatitis, dermatitis. But onions are not recommended for the stronger sex, suffering from severe pathologies of the digestive system.
bee products for men
Bee products are endowed with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. You can prepare such a useful means of potency: one onion is combined with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. This mixture should be consumed within 30 days twice a day, 10 grams.
In inflammation of the prostate gland, it is recommended to mix onion seeds with honey. They must be ground to a powder. Onion seeds are mixed with honey in equal amounts.
You need to use 10 ml of this potency agent three times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days.
Fruits that ignite the "fire"
It is useful to eat fruits that increase potency. Lemon and orange contain aphrodisiacs. They help increase sexual desire in the stronger sex.
Yellow fruits contain lutein. This substance accelerates the production of the male sex hormone - testosterone.
Pomegranate is endowed with anti-aging properties. This fruit reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. With daily use of 200 ml of pomegranate juice, the potency increases significantly in the stronger sex.
Figs not only improve the condition of the male genitals, but also have a beneficial effect on the kidneys and heart.
Prunes are also needed by men to improve erectile function. Normalizes testosterone levels in the body. The daily menu of the stronger sex should include fruits such as bananas, mangoes, avocados.